Past CCECD Dances
Here’s a list of our past CCECD dances (since January 2016), and the callers and bands scheduled for each.
Be sure to check out our list of Upcoming Dances. We hold dances on the second and fourth Sundays of every month, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m., at Lindberg Park Stone House (5041 Rhoda Way) in Culver City. Doors open at 2 p.m. We use a Sliding Scale/Pay What You Can model, with a suggested admission of $20. No partner or experience necessary; dress is casual (and the hall can get warm in summer), and please bring clean, soft-soled shoes to change into.
Want to know which specific dances we’ve done over the years? Check out our Program Archives.
March 23, 2025
Caller: Lindsay Verbil
Band: Free Fall (Ann Kosinski, Jim Kosinski, and Barbara Whitney)
March 9, 2025 — (Daylight Saving Time begins!)
Caller: Chris Page
Band: Linda Kodaira and Jeffrey Spero
February 23, 2025
Caller: Renée Camus (filled in for Cara King, who was under the weather)
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, Jim Garner, and Aimee Aul)
February 9, 2025 — Valentine’s Day!
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Tea for Three (Amy Martin, Robyn Dolan, and Lindsay Verbil)
January 26, 2025 — CCECD’s 19th Anniversary Dance!
Dress festively if you like
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Teasel (Frank Hoppe and Laura Osborn, with Joe Wack)
January 12, 2025
Caller: Jacqui Grennan
Band: Whirled Peas (Bob Altman, David James, and Linda Kodaira)
December 15, 2024 — Last dance of 2024!
NOTE: This dance is on the Third Sunday in December.
Dress festively if you like
Caller: Lindsay Verbil
Band: Free Fall (Ann Kosinski, Jim Kosinski, and Barbara Whitney)
November 24, 2024
Caller: Chris Page
Band: Tea for Three (Amy Martin, Robyn Dolan, and Lindsay Verbil)
November 10, 2024
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Green Willow (Frank Hoppe, Lindsay Verbil, and Jeffrey Spero)
October 27, 2024 — Halloween!
Costumes encouraged! 🙂
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Split Peas (Bob Altman and Linda Kodaira)
Saturday, October 19, 2024 – Our Annual Playford-to-the-Present Ball is back!
Dance Leader: Anna Rain
Band: Audrey Leigh Jaber (violin), Ben Jackson (violin), and Chip Prince (piano)
Note: This event takes place at the Pasadena Masonic Temple in Pasadena.
6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Visit our Playford-to-the-Present page for information and photos from past balls!
October 18, 2024 – P2P Final Review
Caller: Anna Rain
Band: Audrey Leigh Jaber, Ben Jackson, and Chip Prince
Location: This event takes place at Skandia Hall in Pasadena
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
October 13, 2024
Caller: Frannie Marr
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, Jim Garner, and Aimee Aul)
October 6, 2024 – Playford-to-the-Present Ball Practice #2
NOTE: The location for this practice has changed.
Callers: James Hutson and Renée Camus
Band: Linda Kodaira and Bob Altman
Location: Woman’s Club of South Pasadena
September 29, 2024 – Playford-to-the-Present Ball Practice #1
Callers: James Hutson and Renée Camus
Band: Linda Kodaira and Jeffrey Spero
September 22, 2024
Caller: Chris Page
Band: Whirled Peas (Bob Altman, David James, and Linda Kodaira)
September 8, 2024
Caller: Jacqui Grennan
Band: Green Willow (Franke Hoppe, Laura Osborn, and Jeffrey Spero)
Note: There is no dance on August 25, 2024, due to hall unavailability.
August 11, 2024
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, Jim Garner, and Aimee Aul)
July 28, 2024
Caller: James Hutson
Band: New Band! Amy Martin (violin), Robyn Dolan (flute), and Lindsay Verbil (piano)
July 14, 2024
Caller: Lindsay Verbil
Band: Green Willow (Franke Hoppe, Laura Osborn, and Jeffrey Spero)
June 23, 2024
Caller: Victor Lindsey
Band: Interfolk
June 9, 2024
Caller: Frannie Marr
Band: Emil Olguin and Linda Kodaira
May 26, 2024 — Memorial Day Weekend!
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Free Fall
May 12, 2024 — Mother’s Day!
Caller: Chris Page
Band: Interfolk
April 28, 2024
Caller: Jacqui Grennan
Band: Whirled Peas
April 14, 2024
NOTE: This dance took place at a different location: Culver West Alexander Park, 4162 Wade Street, Culver City.
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Green Willow
March 24, 2024
Caller: Lindsay Verbil
Band: Bob Altman & Linda Kodaira
March 10, 2024
Caller: Victor Lindsey
Band: Free Fall (Jim Kosinski, Ann Kosinski, and Barbara Whitney)
February 25, 2023
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Mariposa String Band (Emil Olguin and Briana Bandy)
Welcome to Mariposa String Band, making their CCECD debut.
February 11, 2024
Caller: Chris Page
Band: Frank Hoppe and friends
January 28, 2024 — CCECD’s Anniversary Dance!
Dress festively if you like
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Amy Martin, Lindsay Verbil, and Jeffrey Spero
January 14, 2024
Callers: Cara King and Todd Brun
Band: Whirled Peas (Bob Altman, David James, and Linda Kodaira)
December 17, 2023 — Last dance of 2023!
Dress festively if you like
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, Jim Garner, and Aimee Aul)
November 26, 2023
Caller: Chris Page
Band: Free Fall (Jim Kosinski, Ann Kosinski, and Barbara Whitney)
November 12, 2023
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Green Willow (Frank Hoppe, Laura Osborn, and Jeffrey Spero)
October 22, 2023
Caller: Special guest caller from Washington, DC: Anna Rain
Band: Whirled Peas (Linda Kodaira, David James, and Bob Altman)
No dance on October 8, 2023. Come to the HTDS Tea Dance!
Saturday, October 7, 2023 – Our Annual Playford-to-the-Present Ball is back!
Dance Leaders: Alan Winston
Band: Audrey Jaber (violin), Anna Patton (clarinet), and Jeffrey Spero (piano)
Note: This event takes place at the Scottish Rite Cathedral in Pasadena.
6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Visit our Playford-to-the-Present page for information and photos from past balls!
October 6, 2023 – Playford-to-the-Present Final Review
Caller: Alan Winston
Musicians: Audrey Jaber (violin), Anna Patton (clarinet), and Jeffrey Spero (piano)
Location: This event takes place at Skandia Hall in Pasadena
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
October 1, 2023 – Playford-to-the-Present Ball Practice
Callers: James Hutson and Renée Camus
Band: Whirled Peas (Linda Kodaira, David James, and Bob Altman)
September 24, 2023
Caller: Jacqui Grennan and Frannie Marr
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, Jim Garner, and Aimee Aul)
September 17, 2023 – Playford-to-the-Present Ball Practice
Callers: James Hutson and Renée Camus
Band: Green Willow (Frank Hoppe, Laura Osborn, and Jeffrey Spero)
September 10, 2023
Caller: Lindsay Verbil
Band: Stepwise (Olivia Breidenthal and Liam Lewis)
Welcome to Stepwise, making their CCECD debut.
Note: There is no dance on August 27, 2023, due to hall unavailability.
August 13, 2023
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Go Figure (Jim Kosinski, Ann Kosinski, Fran Malinoff, and Brian Burn)
July 23, 2023
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Whirled Peas (Linda Kodaira, David James, and Bob Altman)
July 9, 2023
Caller: Chris Page
Band: Green Willow (Frank Hoppe, Laura Osborn, and Jeffrey Spero)
June 25, 2023
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Go Figure
Our first dance of the Summer (four days after the Solstice).
June 11, 2023
Caller: Jacqui Grennan
Band: Arroyo Seco (Emil Olguin and Ben Graubart)
Welcome to Arroyo Seco, making their CCECD debut.
May 28, 2023 (Memorial Day weekend)
Caller: Judee Pronovost
Band: Whirled Peas
Guest caller Judee Pronovost will offer a preview of dances on the program for the Admiral Nelson Ball, which will be held in Orange County on June 10.
Note: There is no dance on Mother’s Day, May 14, 2023.
April 23, 2023
Caller: Ric Goldman
Band: Amy Martin, Lindsay Verbil, and Jeff Spero
Welcome back to guest caller Ric Goldman from Portland, Oregon. Also welcome to a new musical ensemble making their Culver City ECD debut.
April 9, 2023 (Easter Sunday)
Caller: Chris Page
Band: Interfolk
Welcome back to Chris Page after a long absence from our caller’s mic.
March 26, 2023
Caller: James Hutson and Lindsay Verbil
Band: Green Willow
March 12, 2023
Caller: Victor Lindsey
Band: Interfolk
February 26, 2023
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Free Fall
February 12, 2023 — Valentine’s Day!
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Whirled Peas
January 22, 2023 — CCECD 17th Anniversary Dance! (Dress festively if you wish!)
Caller: Jacqui Grennan
Band: English Roses
Note: There is no dance on the Second Sunday in January 2023.
December 18, 2022 (Third Sunday) — Our Holiday Dance and Last Dance of 2022!
Dress festively if you like!
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Go Figure (Jim Kosinski, guitar; Ann Kosinski, violin; Fran Malinoff, violin; Brian Burn, mandolin)
November 27, 2022
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Whirled Peas (Linda Kodaira, violin; David James, mandolin; Bob Altman, keyboard)
November 13, 2022
Caller: Victor Lindsey
Band: Green Willow (Frank Hoppe, Jeffrey Spero, and Laura Osborn)
October 23, 2022
Caller: Jacqui Grennan
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Eve Harrison, flute)
No dance on October 9, 2022. Come to the HTDS Tea Dance!
Saturday, October 8, 2022 – Our Annual Playford-to-the-Present Ball is back!
Dance Leaders: Val Medve
Band: Persons of Quality (Jon Berger, Rebecca King, and Jim Oakden)
Note: This event takes place at the Scottish Rite Cathedral in Pasadena.
6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Visit our Playford-to-the-Present page for information and photos from past balls!
Registration opened August 1!
October 7, 2022 – Playford-to-the-Present Final Review
Caller: Val Medve!
Musicians: Jon Berger and Rebecca King!
Note: This event takes place at Skandia Hall in Pasadena
October 2, 2022 – Playford-to-the-Present Ball Practice
Callers: James Hutson and Renée Camus
Band: Frank Hoppe, Laura Osborn, and Jeffrey Spero
September 25, 2022
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Go Figure (Jim Kosinski, guitar; Ann Kosinski, violin; Fran Malinoff, violin; Brian Burn, mandolin)
September 18, 2022 – Playford-to-the-Present Ball Practice
Callers: James Hutson and Renée Camus
Band: Whirled Peas (Bob Altman, David James, and Linda Kodaira)
September 11, 2022
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Frank Hoppe, Jeffrey Spero, and Laura Osborn
August 28, 2022 — CANCELED
Caller: Jacqui Grennan
Band: Frank Hoppe, Jeffrey Spero, and Laura Osborn
August 14, 2022 — CANCELED
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Eve Harrison, flute)
July 24, 2022
Caller: Jacqui Grennan
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Eve Harrison, flute)
July 10, 2022
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Whirled Peas (Linda Kodaira, violin; David James, mandolin; Bob Altman, keyboard)
June 26, 2022
Caller: Judee Pronovost
Band: Whirled Peas (Linda Kodaira, violin; Bob Altman, keyboard)
June 12, 2022
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Go Figure (Jim Kosinski, guitar; Ann Kosinski, violin; Fran Malinoff, violin; Brian Burn, mandolin)
May 22, 2022
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Eve Harrison, flute)
Saturday, May 14, 2022 — Special Event: Carol Nord Johnson: A Celebration of Life
Join the English, Scandinavian, and Scottish dance communities for a celebration in honor of longtime dancer Carol Nord Johnson (December 19, 1938 – April 11, 2022)
1:30 to 4 p.m. at a different location:
Culver City Veterans Memorial Park
4117 Overland Ave at the corner of Culver Blvd.
May 8, 2022
Caller: James Hutson and Renée Camus
Band: Linda Kodaira, David James, Jeffrey Spero
October 10, 2021 through April 24, 2022 canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Saturday, October 9, 2021 – Our Annual Playford-to-the-Present Ball is back!
Dance Leaders: James Hutson and Renée Camus
Band: Audrey Knuth (violin), Ashley Hoyer (mandolin), and Jeffrey Spero (keyboard)
Note: This event takes place at the Scottish Rite Cathedral in Pasadena.
Visit our Playford-to-the-Present page for information and photos from past balls!
Host: James Hutson
Band: Frank Hoppe, Jeffrey Spero, and Laura Osborn
March 22, 2020 through August 22, 2021 canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
March 8, 2020 – practice the dances for the Admiral Nelson Ball
Caller: Judee Pronovost
Band: Whirled Peas (Patty McCollom, whistles; David James, violin; Bob Altman, keyboard)
February 23, 2020
Caller: Jacqui Grennan
Band: Frank Hoppe, Jeff Spero, and Laura Osborn
February 9, 2020 — Valentine’s Day! (Dress festively if you wish!)
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Whirled Peas (Patty McCollom, whistles; David James, violin; Bob Altman, keyboard)
January 26, 2020 — CCECD 14th Anniversary Dance! (Dress festively if you wish!)
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
January 12, 2020
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Denisa Hanna, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
Note: There is no dance on the Fourth Sunday in December 2019.
December 8, 2019 – Holiday dance and Last Dance of 2019!
Dress festively if you like!
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: Frank Hoppe (violin), Jeff Spero (keyboard), Laura Osborn (flute)
November 24, 2019
Caller: Our Annual Open Mic! (Organized by James Hutson)
Want to call a dance? Send a list of your preferred dance(s) to James by Monday, October 28, 2019.
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Denisa Hanna, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
November 10, 2019
Caller: Ric Goldman
Band: Go Figure (Jim Kosinski, guitar; Ann Kosinski, violin; Fran Malinoff, violin; Brian Burn, mandolin)
October 27, 2019 – Our 4th Annual Halloween Dance!
Wear a costume if you like!
Caller: James Hutson and Jacqui Grennan
Band: Go Figure (Jim Kosinski, guitar; Ann Kosinski, violin; Fran Malinoff, violin; Brian Burn, mandolin)
October 13, 2019
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
Special Joanna Reiner Dancing and Tea for advanced dancers (no dance moves will be taught), sponsored by our friends The Historical Tea & Dance Society on Sunday, October 6, 2019.
Saturday, October 5, 2019 – Our 19th Annual Playford-to-the-Present Ball
Special Guest Dance Master: Joanna Reiner
Band: Shira Kammen (violin), Jim Oakden (various), and Jeff Spero (keyboard)
Note: This event takes place at the Scottish Rite Cathedral in Pasadena.
Visit our Playford-to-the-Present page for information and photos from past balls!
October 4, 2019: Final P2P Review with Joanna Reiner and special guest musician, Jacqueline Schwab! Special time: 7 to 10 pm, at a new location: the Pasadena Senior Center (85 E Holly Street). $15.
September 29, 2019: Additional P2P practice and Costume Sale! 4 to 7 p.m.
September 22, 2019
Caller: Victor Lindsey
Band: Frank Hoppe (violin), Jeff Spero (keyboard), and David James (guitar)
September 15, 2019: Additional P2P practice and Costume Sale! 4 to 7 p.m.
September 8, 2019
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Denisa Hanna, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
August 25, 2019
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
August 11, 2019
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Split Peas (Patty McCollom, whistles; David James, guitar; Linda Kodaira, violin)
July 28, 2019
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Go Figure (Jim Kosinski, guitar; Ann Kosinski, violin; Fran Malinoff, violin; Brian Burn, mandolin)
July 14, 2019
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
June 23, 2019
Caller: Victor Lindsey
Band: Fresh Peas (Patty McCollom, whistles; Linda Kodaira, violin; Bill Marks, guitar)
June 9, 2019
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Whirled Peas (Patty McCollom, whistles; David James, violin; Bob Altman, keyboard)
May 26, 2019 – practice the dances for the June 1 Admiral Nelson Ball
Caller: Judee Pronovost
Band: Frank Hoppe (violin), Jeff Spero (keyboard), Laura Osborn (flute)
May 12, 2019 — Mother’s Day
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Denisa Hanna, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
April 28, 2019 — Open Band
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Open Band — Want to play in our Open Band? Contact Mary Ann Sereth.
April 14, 2019 — Titanic theme
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
March 24, 2019
Caller: Victor Lindsey
Band: Split Peas (Patty McCollom, whistles; David James, guitar; and Linda Kodaira, violin)
March 10, 2019
Caller: James Hutson
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
February 24, 2019
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
February 10, 2019 — Valentine’s Day! (Dress festively if you wish!)
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Whirled Peas (Patty McCollom, whistles; David James, violin; Bob Altman, keyboard)
January 27, 2019 — CCECD 13th Anniversary Dance! (Dress festively if you wish!)
Caller: James Hutson
Band: New Band: Go Figure (Jim Kosinski, guitar; Ann Kosinski, violin; Fran Malinoff, violin; Brian Burn, mandolin)
January 13, 2019
Caller: Gary Shapiro
Band: Split Peas (Patty McCollom, whistles; David James, guitar; and Linda Kodaira, violin)
December 16, 2018 — Holiday Dance! (Dress festively if you wish)
Caller: Annie Laskey presents a special program: “Dancers’ Choice!” Feel free to send Annie suggestions for your favorite dances! Deadline: December 1, 2018. (We cannot guarantee dances on the program.)
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
November 25, 2018
Caller: Ric Goldman
Band: Whirled Peas (Bob Altman, keyboard; Linda Kodaira, violin; Patty McCollom, whistles)
November 11, 2018
Caller: Open Mic! (Organized by James Hutson)
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
October 28, 2018 — Halloween Dance (Come in costume!)
Celebrate Halloween with themed dances, holiday treats (and maybe some tricks), and spooky fun. Feel free to dress in costume, though it’s not required.
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Split Peas (Patty McCollom, whistles; David James, guitar; and Linda Kodaira, violin)
October 14, 2018
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Frank Hoppe & Friends (Frank Hoppe, violin; Laura Osborn, flute; David James, guitar)
Special Bruce Hamilton Dancing and Tea, sponsored by our friends The Historical Tea & Dance Society: Sunday, October 7, 2018, 2:30 to 5:30 pm at the Women’s Club of South Pasadena. $25.
Saturday, October 6, 2018 – Our 18th Annual Playford-to-the-Present Ball
Special Guest Dance Master: Bruce Hamilton
Band: Sweetwater (Bonnie Insull, flute; Audrey Knuth, violin; and Ryan Sandburg, keyboard)
Note: This event takes place at the South Pasadena Women’s Club in South Pasadena.
Visit our Playford-to-the-Present page for information and photos from past balls!
October 5, 2018: Final P2P Review with Bruce Hamilton! Special time: 7 to 10 pm, with light supper at 6:30 pm.
September 30, 2018: Additional P2P practice and Costume Sale!
September 23, 2018
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
September 16, 2018: Additional P2P practice and Costume Sale!
September 9, 2018
Guest Caller: Judee Pronovost
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
August 26, 2018
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Aimee Aul (Flute), Bob Altman (Keyboard), and Jim Garner (Violin and Mandolin)
August 12, 2018
Caller: Vic Lindsey
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
July 22, 2018
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
July 8, 2018
Caller: James Hutson
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
June 24, 2018
Caller: Vic Lindsey
Band: Split Peas (Patty McCollom, whistles; David James, guitar; Linda Kodaira, violin)
June 10, 2018 — Open Band!
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Open Band — Want to play in our Open Band? Contact Mary Ann Sereth.
May 27, 2018 – Memorial Day Weekend!
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: The Culver City Country Dance Orchestra (Frank Hoppe, violin; Laura Osborn, flute; Jeff Spero, keyboard; David James, mandolin)
May 13, 2018 – Mother’s Day!
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
April 22, 2018
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Return engagement by Three for Joy (Dominic Padula, fiddle; Joseph Padula, mandolin; Angela Rose Padula, cello) from Ojai!
April 8, 2018 – Learn dances for the Admiral Nelson Ball (to be held June 3, 2018)
Caller: Judee Pronovost (Orange County English Country Dancers)
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
March 25, 2018
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Frank Hoppe (violin) and Jeff Spero (keyboards)
March 11, 2018
Caller: Vic Lindsey
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
February 25, 2018
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: Frank Hoppe & Friends (Frank Hoppe, violin; Laura Osborn, flute; David James, guitar)
February 11, 2018 — Valentine’s Day! (Dress festively if you wish!)
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
January 28, 2018 — CCECD 12th Anniversary Dance! (Dress festively if you wish!)
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Whirled Peas (Bob Altman, keyboard; Linda Kodaira, violin; Patty McCollom, whistles)
January 14, 2018
Guest caller and band!
Caller: Gary Shapiro, from Santa Barbara
Band: Three for Joy (Dominic Padula, fiddle; Joseph Padula, mandolin; Angela Rose Padula, cello) from Ojai
(Note: There is no dance on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2017)
December 10, 2017 — Holiday Dance (Dress festively!)
Celebrate our last dance of 2017 with holiday treats and themed dances. Feel free to dress festively (but it’s not required)!
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
November 26, 2017
Caller: James Hutson
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
November 12, 2017
Caller: Open Mic! (Organized by James Hutson)
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
October 22, 2017 — Halloween Dance (Come in costume!)
Celebrate Halloween with themed dances, holiday treats (and maybe some tricks), and spooky fun. Feel free to dress in costume, though it’s not required.
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
October 8, 2017
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: Whirled Peas (Bob Altman, keyboard; David James, violin; Patty McCollom, whistles)
Saturday, October 7, 2017 – Our 17th Annual Playford-to-the-Present Ball
Special Guest Dance Master: Graham Christian (of Pelham, Mass.)
Band: Offbeats (Ashley Broder, mandolin; Ben Schreiber, violin; Jeffrey Spero, piano; Bonnie Insull, flute)
Note: This event takes place at the Scottish Rite Cathedral in Pasadena.
Visit our Playford-to-the-Present page for information and photos from past balls!
September 24, 2017
Caller: James Hutson
Band: The Knuckledraggers (Frank Hoppe, fiddle; Kurt MacInnis, guitar; Laura Osborn, flute)
September 10, 2017
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
August 27, 2017
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Whirled Peas (Bob Altman, keyboard; David James, violin; Patty McCollom, whistles)
Ball Practice following: James Hutson will teach one or two dances from the ball program that are designated intermediate or complex.
August 13, 2017
Caller: Vic Lindsey
Guest Band: Phoenix (from Massachusetts; Nora Smith, fiddle; Christopher Jacoby, guitar and keyboard; Corey Walters, flute and mandolin)
Ball Practice following: James Hutson teaches Gambols, a set dance for four couples which is designated FTWK (For Those Who Know) on the ball program.
July 23, 2017
Caller: Gary Shapiro (from Santa Barbara)
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
July 9, 2017
Caller: James Hutson
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
Monday, July 3, 2017 – Celebrate the Fourth of July with dancing!
7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. (Doors open at 7 p.m.)
Caller: Bob Green (of St. Louis, Missouri)
Band: Ladies at Play (Shanda McDonald, fiddle, accordion; Kathy Dagg, guitar, mandolin, banjo; Miranda Arana, flute, whistle, percussion; with guest Martha Edwards, fiddle)
Note: This is an informal dance party for dancers familiar with the basic figures and elements of English Country Dance. There will be minimal teaching, but all dances will be walked through and prompted. The set list will not be published in advance.
Read more about it and see our flyer here.
June 25, 2017
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Whirled Peas (Bob Altman, keyboard; Linda Kodaira, violin; Patty McCollom, whistles)
June 11, 2017
Caller: Vic Lindsey
Band: Jerry Wheeler (trombone, hammered dulcimer), Linda Kodaira (violin), Walter Sereth (guitar), and Jess McCann (guitar)
May 28, 2017
Caller: Judee Pronovost
Band: The Knuckledraggers (Frank Hoppe, fiddle; Kurt MacInnis, guitar; Laura Osborn, flute)
(Note: There was no dance on Mother’s Day, May 14, 2017.)
April 23, 2017 — Open Band
Caller: James Hutson
Band: OPEN BAND (led by Mary Ann Sereth)
April 9, 2017
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
March 26, 2017
Caller: Vic Lindsey
Band: Whirled Peas (Bob Altman, keyboard; David James, violin; Patty McCollom, whistles)
March 12, 2017
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Terpsichorish (Jerry Wheeler: trombone, hammered dulcimer; Mary Ann Sereth: fiddle, bass fiddle; Keiko Cadby: fiddle; Denisa Hanna: guitar; Walter Sereth: guitar, clarinet). friends)
February 26, 2017
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
February 12, 2017
Special Guest Caller: Gene Murrow
Special Guest Band: Jeff Spero, piano; Linda Kodaira, violin; David James, mandolin
Admission is FREE! Check out our flyer!
January 22, 2017 — CCECD 11th Anniversary Dance! — Festive dress encouraged
Come help us celebrate our 11th year of dancing!
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Whirled Peas (Bob Altman, keyboard; Linda Kodaira, violin; Patty McCollom, whistles)
January 8, 2017 — Happy New Year! First Dance of 2017.
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
December 11, 2016 — Holiday Dance (Dress festively!)
Celebrate our last dance of 2016 with holiday treats and themed dances. Feel free to dress festively (but it’s not required)!
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: The Knuckledraggers (Frank Hoppe, fiddle; Kurt MacInnis, guitar; Laura Osborn, flute)
November 27, 2016
Caller: James Hutson
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
November 13, 2016
Caller: Vic Lindsey
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
October 23, 2016 — Halloween Dance (Come in costume!)
Celebrate Halloween with themed dances, holiday treats (and maybe some tricks), and spooky fun. Feel free to dress in costume, though it’s not required.
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
October 9, 2016
Caller: Ric Goldman
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
Saturday, October 1, 2016 – Our 16th Annual Playford-to-the-Present Ball
Special Guest Dance Master: Brad Foster
Band: StringFire (James MacQueen, fiddle; Annie Rodier, fiddle; Patti Cobb, keyboard; Erik Ievins, cello)
Note: This event takes place at the Scottish Rite Cathedral in Pasadena.
Visit the P2P website for more information and tickets.
September 25, 2016
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
Special P2P Review Session following
September 11, 2016
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: The Knuckledraggers (Frank Hoppe, fiddle; Kurt MacInnis, guitar; Laura Osborn, flute)
Special P2P Review Session following
August 28, 2016
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
Special P2P Review Session following
August 14, 2016
Caller: James Hutson
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
Special P2P Review Session following: Annie Laskey teaches Lull Me Beyond Thee
July 24, 2016
Caller: James Hutson
Band: The Knuckledraggers (Frank Hoppe, fiddle; Kurt MacInnis, guitar; Laura Osborn, flute)
July 10, 2016
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
June 26, 2016
Caller: Vic Lindsey
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
June 12, 2016
Caller: Renée Camus
Band: Whirled Peas (Bob Altman, keyboard; David James, violin; Patty McCollom, whistles)
May 22, 2016
Caller: James Hutson
May 8, 2016
Caller: Barb Stewart
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
April 24, 2016
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
April 10, 2016
Caller: James Hutson
Band: The Knuckledraggers (Frank Hoppe, fiddle; Kurt MacInnis, guitar; Laura Osborn, flute)
March 27, 2016
Caller: Barb Stewart
Band: Jerry Wheeler and Friends (Corinne Cummings, flute; David James, fiddle, mandolin, guitar; Becky Nankivell, English concertina; Jerry Wheeler, trombone, hammered dulcimer)
March 13, 2016
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: The Knuckledraggers (Frank Hoppe, fiddle; Kurt MacInnis, guitar; Laura Osborn, flute)
February 28, 2016
Caller: Ric Goldman (guest caller)
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
February 14, 2016
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with romantic English country dancing!
Caller: Annie Laskey
Band: Interfolk (Kriss Larson, accordion; Jim Garner, fiddle and mandolin; Aimee Aul, flute)
January 24, 2016
Culver City ECD’s Special 10th Anniversary Dance!
Feel free to dress festively, and expect a cake!
Caller: James Hutson
Band: The English Roses (Mary Ann Sereth, violin; Walter Sereth, guitar; Keiko Cadby, violin)
January 10, 2016
Caller: Judee Pronovost (guest caller)
Band: Whirled Peas (Bob Altman, keyboard; David James, violin; Patty McCollom, whistles)